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Clocks 1888: the greener
An East End Opera 

Premiered at CAST, Doncaster and Hackney Empire, London 

Keisha Atwell (Greener), Clocks 1888 the greener at Cast, Doncaster, Apr 2016, Photography

Our innovative new opera places a mixed race migrant girl centre stage and opens the borders of opera by drawing in the Asian classical tradition, music hall and musical theatre set against a digitally animated design.

Clocks1888 new poster
program front

" The show is indeed visually stunning, re-creating the complex world and mechanism of the clock through intricate animated drawings, film projections and ingenuous stage design. With the addition of mesmerizing music, originally composed by Martin Ward and beautifully performed, the show feels heartfelt and passionate, touching our senses and emotions."

Plays to see

International Theatre Reviews


brolly E X C H A N G E

More than the stage

Touring Exhibition

British Museum 'Performing the archive'

Symposium, performance and exhibition

Project: Clocks 1888: the greener

"a unique and hugely interesting exploration of the museum world can collide and feed into the creative arts"

Freddie Matthews, The British Museum

We were invited to host a symposium and exhibition in the Stevenson Lecture theatre to bring our diverse audiences togther with archivists, theatre venues and arts professionals. This was followed by an public event in the Clocks collection itself working with the curators from the Horology archive.

Hackney Museum 'Opera audiences of the future'

Performances and workshops for Primary 

Project: Clocks 1888: the greener

"What can I say?!? What a glowing report I have had from everyone about how AMAZING yesterday's school session was, thank you so much for giving them such a rich and valuable experience to the kids! inspiring the next generation of opera stars in a London borough where 34% of children live in poverty..."

Emma Winch

Heritage Learning Manager

Hackney Museum

Doncaster Museum 'Performing hidden stories'

Symposium and performance 

Project: Clocks 1888: the greener

"We are always looking for new ways to bring our collections and the heritage of Doncaster to a wider public and working with Brolly brought us in to contact with a new audience and the opportunity to display collections that are usually in storage"

Neil McGregor

Arts Exhibition and Outreach

Supported by

Past productions:
Clocks1888 new poster.jpg
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 2025 illustrated and designed by brolly

 the greener
Guantanamo Boy
Powder Monkey

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